Sunday, 22 July 2012

Dad's back in hospital...22/7/12

Dad's back in hospital...

Sunday 22nd July

It really feels like two steps forward one step back at the moment - or even one step forward two steps back...but that would be a negative attitude to take wouldn't it...?

Yesterday Dad had been sick after breakfast, we're still not even sure if he'd eaten anything?  So the Carers put Dad back in to bed.  Dan and Oli arrived for visiting hours on the afternoon, so Dad was put back in to his wheelchair and as it was a surprisingly nice day for the 2012 Summer we are experiencing, Dan decided to take Dad outside for a bit of fresh air.  Dad had been told to go outside without his PEG feeding water in to his stomach on the proviso that he drank a glass of squash. Once outside, Dad emptied the squash out of his glass and on to the grass.  Mum and I arrived about half 3 to see Dad looking ghastly pale and very tired. We decided it would be best for Dad to get back in to bed and have a sleep.

Dad's colour started to come back, but that's when the seizures and spasms started.  They started in his left leg, went up to his left arm at times - and even went to his head.  Dad could not stop them as they were shaking the left side of his body. His left eye remained closed for most of the time. The nurse was concerned - especially as Dad's blood pressure continued to give a low reading.  The spasms continued over a period of two hours - in which time the nurse took an instruction from the Doctor on call to phone the paramedics and get Dad to hospital.  

So then Dad, Mum, Len for some of the night, an extremely large and heavy bag containing Dad's medication and I, endured a long worrying Saturday night in A&E for the next eight hours.   Dad was eventually seen by the Stroke Nurse, A&E Doctor and at about 2am in the morning, the Doctor from the Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU).  The same questions were asked over and over again and the same answers were told.  There were initial concerns of Dad experiencing a mini stroke or that the seizures could be post stroke related caused by the scar tissue on his brain, having a direct link to epilepsy.  Dad was booked in for a CT scan for this morning with the aim of comparing the scan to his previous one to identify if any more damage had been done - thus potentially ruling out another stroke. If the spasms do relate to epilepsy Dad will need more medication to manage it - we were told that it may be trial and error with the right dosage because the drug will need to work with the walfarin and not against it.

We probably spent more time with Dad last night then we usually do, as visiting hours are restricted at NG to 2 - 7 pm.  During this time I would say we witnessed what the carers and OT refer to as Dad's behavioural issues.  It's actually difficult to write down in words, but I know what I experienced was clearly not how my Dad behaved prior to the stroke.  We reluctantly left Dad in one of the curtained cubicles on the EAU.  It was distressing to leave him lying on one of the beds you get put on in A&E knowing that his bottom was in pain from the mattress.  Dad has been using an air mattress for the last 10 weeks - it makes you realise what state Dad could be in if he hadn't been using it. 

And so today....well the CT scan never happened, but it's a Sunday - Don't get ill at the weekend the newspapers report - nothing gets done in a hospital on a weekend.  So we hadn't held our breath.  Mum was informed when she phoned this morning that Dad had had a comfortable night (mmmm he looked really comfortable when we left him at 2.15 am this morning....I don't think),  and that he had since moved on to a short stay ward.  

Mum and I visited Dad between 2 - 4pm.  He seemed quite well all things considered.  He told us I thought this was it, I thought I was going to have to stay lying here forever.  We try and tell Dad every step of his recovery exactly what's happening - but he doesn't remember.  The thought of Dad lying there and wondering where the hell he was and if anybody would ever come and see him again breaks my heart.  He seemed happy to see us.  We chatted - he interacted, quite intellectually, and he appeared to be calm and understanding to what was going on.  

We checked with the Staff Nurse why Dad didn't have his PEG feed going through - he had been without water and nutrients for 24 hours by this time.  A glucose bag had been going in to a cannula in Dad's hand to increase his sugar levels, but had since run out. The staff nurse told us NG had not sent the information over. I knew NG had because I had stood in the A&E cubicle last night reading all 50+ pages of Dad's notes to find out what had been written about him and knew the information about his medication and PEG feed was in there.  Mum kindly found the document and showed the staff nurse the information she needed.

But then to tonight's visit....apologies if this is a rather long blog - I suppose I have a lot of worries and concerns to get off my chest.  Dan and Mum went to the late visit, they arrived to see Dad calling out to another patient's visitors to come on over.  He said about a visitor standing at another patient's bed - he's standing around with nothing to do, come on come over here.  He started shouting the nurse to come over too.  He was fidgeting and messing with the pillows and wasn't the calm understanding Alan who Mum had left only a couple of hours before.  He was also saying his shoulder was in pain.  Dad had still not been set up on his PEG for his nutrients or water to be fed to him.  This was well over 24 hours now and I am now wondering if maybe Dad was dehydrated and if it could effect his behaviour in this way??  We had told the staff nurse earlier that Dad could eat a soft pureed diet and have a drink with one scoop of thickner in - she said she'd look in to it - but Dad had still not eaten anything.  Mum asked the staff why Dad still hadn't received any food or drink and she was told the Doctor would be round later to review him.  We will be phoning very soon expecting an update from the ward.  Dad's CT scan is supposedly booked in tomorrow, but the staff were not sure of what time.  They mentioned Dad may be back at NG tomorrow.

And just to add there...we popped in to NG earlier to pick up some PJs for Dad and his shaver and toothbrush...the nurses and carers kindly asked how Dad was and wished to be remembered to him.  But we were also advised that if Dad's not back by tomorrow it's up to the PCT if they give Dad's room to someone else and he'll have to go back in to the system - we just do what we're told!  Great ay...!?!

Anyway - one day at a time is the only way you can really take this recovery and tomorrow's another day.  What wonderful news it would be to hear that the CT scan shows no further damage to Dad's brain and the spasms were brought on by the scar tissue and has no link to epilepsy - that would be a good outcome wouldn't it...and then Dad can get back to NG and we can proceed with our plan for Dad's recovery.  You keep that hope right there with me.  

Thanks for the read.

Love you Dad x


  1. Hello lovely Amy. Hope the scan went well hun and you got the answers you all need. Sending heaps of live as always, Kate x x x

  2. Hi Amy Dawn understanding of your text which must have been sent after this update is that as the scan does not clearly show any new site of damage then your final comments are looking most likely to be correct ...and of course we will keep that thought highest in our minds and hearts... because as even the paramedic said .... if thats was the case , the spasms ...although ungainly ...are signs of new activity ...especially in his arm which hadnt even shown a flicker of movement since the stroke itself...if im not mistaken.... and as your dad himself is saying ....wake up arm....then on every level the request for his body to respond could be being know our best thoughts and highest hopes are with to you, Wendy Dan and all those supporting you supporting him :) xxx
